The Burren has been referred to as ‘The Fertile Rock’ because these crevices contain a wide variety of plant life and in the upland areas good growths of grass which are very useful feeding for cattle
Around Doolin, the limestone pavement is host to a wide variety of wild flowers some of which, while not unique to the Burren, grow in greater numbers here than anywhere else in Ireland or Britain.
This is the cause of one of the botanical mysteries of the Burren as the Dense Flowered Orchid is native of the Mediterranean yet here growing alongside the (Alpine) Gentian and often with Mountain Avens from the Arctic nearby!
The limestone pavement also provides a hospitable environment for cattle during the winter months, as the limestone retains its heat, and within it grows vegetation for the cattle to feed on.
Despite the nature of the barren landscape, it provides sufficient lifeblood for its native flora, fauna and animals, and is truly a unique sight to behold.