Rainbow Hostel

Rainbow Hostel

Established in 1986, this small and cosy hostel with 30 beds is owned and run by Mattie & Carmel Shannon. Private rooms also available. A simple and relaxed atmosphere awaits you. Facilities include a self-catering kitchen, laundry, bike hire and open turf fire in the common room. Every effort will be made to make you feel at home. Mattie has a keen interest in the archaeology and nature of the area and most evenings will be very glad to share his knowledge and experience with the hostellers. This includes taking them for a guided walk and showing his wide range of slides in the common room by the fire.

We are looking forward to hearing from you and to seeing you in Doolin very soon!

Meet The Locals

Watch this great video featuring Mattie, the owner of the Rainbow Hostel. This is part of the series of videos “Meet The Locals”

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