The last weekend of February every year sees Doolin remember its greatest music ambassadors the Russell brothers; Micho, Packie & Gussie. What a way to kick off our season with the brightest musicians descending on Doolin from the four corners of the world to attend workshops and perform in all the pubs and Russell Cultural Centre.
The highlight of the festival is the Russell Concert which usually takes place on the Saturday of the festival in the Russell Cultural Centre.
2024 see’s the village of Doolin celebrate 30 years of the Russell Festival. Businesses from all over Doolin will be involved again this year hosting music sessions, concerts, recitals, workshops, lectures, launches and other events.
Accommodation will be in demand over the weekend so please be sure to book well in advance as some accommodation providers may not be reopen after the winter period. You will find a full list of places to stay in Doolin here on our website.
Festival Schedule for 2024 coming soon.
Accommodation & more information:
Click here to view Accommodation in Doolin
Doolin local attractions to explore: